BANZAI JAPAN(バンザイジャパン)

Niigata Evangelist

新潟県 伝道師

笹川 ささ

Sasa Sasagawa

都道府県PR Local Introduction
Passing through the tunnel, you'll see the snow country and the rice fields!
Come visit Niigata, Echigo province of Lord Kenshin Uesugi!
ニックネーム Nickname
ささ丸 / Sasa-maru
誕生日 Birthday
3月23日 / 23 March
星座 Zodiac Sign
おひつじ座 / Aries
血液型 Blood type
O型 / Type-O
趣味 Hobby
Eating out, Traveling, Mystery solving, Game
キャッチフレーズ Greeting to the fans
I'm Sasa Sasagawa, clear as snow! An evangelistof NIN-NIN Niigata!
特徴 Characteristic
Too many "SA"s which is hard to verbalize. Very positive minded. Worships Ninja. Her rivate outfit is extremely original.
●2-Dan: Shorinjikenpo
●6-Dan: Japanese Calligraphy